
Hex File Crc 16 Calculator

Cyclic Redundancy Code Calculator

Lab Report

Calculate CRC of Character String using CRC Calculator
(Also see the FileCheck Lab Report for CRCs of Files, Directories, Volumes)
Delphi 7 CLX Version (Windows)

Calculate CRC of File using CRC Calculator
Kylix 3 CLX Version (Linux)

Hex File Crc16 Calculator. The three used in the on-line CRC calculation on this page are the 16 bit wide CRC16 and. (hex) CRC polynomial and is not. Apr 24, 2004  Hello, does anyone know of a PC-based tool, that adds a CRC16 checksum at a given address in an intel HEX file? I would like to add an offline-CRC to my generated H86-file. The three used in the on-line CRC calculation on this page are the 16 bit wide CRC 16 and CRCCCITT and. HEX file checksum online calculator Firmware for microcontrollers are often stored in Intel HEX files.

The purpose of the CRCCalculator is to displayinteractively the CRC-16 and CRC-32 values for a specified string or file. (The CRC-32values will match those computed by PKZIP.)

Additional files, CRC16Dem and CRC32Dem,show how to create a command-line program to calculate CRC values. A 'C'command-line program is also available.

Materials and Equipment

Software Requirements
Windows 95/98/2000 and Delphi 3/4/5/6/7 (to recompile)
Linux and Kylix 3 (to recompile)

Hardware Requirements
VGA display


  1. Double click on the CRCCalculator.EXE icon to start the program (Windows), or run the program under Linux using ./CrcCalculator.
  2. Enter any text in the edit box.
  3. Observe the CRC-16 and CRC-32 values in decimal or hexadecimal.
  4. Select File tabsheet.
  5. Click on the Read button and select a file
  6. Observe the CRC-16 and CRC-32 values in decimal or hexadecimal.

Expected Values
Hex values do not change by version of Delphi, but the decimal values are intended to beunsigned. CRC-16 values have always been unsigned, but since there was no 4-byteunsigned integer in D1-D3, the decimal values are signed for the CRC-32 until the Delphi 4version.

Test String

Init Method 1
Init Method 2
Init Method 2


<null string>000000 0000 000000000Delphi 2 - 7, Kylix 3
abc38712973843190A8B6 891568578352441C2Delphi 2 - 7, Kylix 3
ABC387124521314077AAF -1551695032A3830348Delphi 2 - 3
2743272264Delphi 4 - 7, Kylix 3
This is a string195244C441715743051419763830876633FDelphi 2 - 7, Kylix 3

See the Initialization/Finalizationdiscussion below for a description of Initialization Methods 1 and 2.

See Felipe Rocha Machado's comments aboutprinting 32-bit integers in D3.

The CRC-32s of the files abcLower.TXT, ABCupper.TXT, andThisIsAString.TXT in the CRCDelphi.ZIP file match the values above,which are also verified in the CRC32Dem.PAS command line program:

CRC-32 Bytes F i l e n a m e
-------- -------- ------------------------
352441C2 3 abcLower.TXT
A3830348 3 ABCUpper.TXT
0876633F 16 ThisIsAString.TXT

CRC values, especially the CRC-32, are an extremely good way to verify theintegrity of a file. If the CRC-32 for a file stays the same, there is only anextremely small probability that the file has been changed -- about 1 in 4 billion. CRCs could be used as a preliminary verification tool to find identical files. Ifthe CRCs of two files do not match, the file are not the same. This could even beused to compare image files.

Lookup Tables. The 'hardware' method of computing CRCs involves bitmanipulations, which is very inefficient for a software computation. Instead ofcomputing the CRC bit-by-bit, a 256-element lookup table can be used to perform theequivalent of 8 bit operations at a time. (This is described in 'Byte-wise CRCCalculations' in IEEE Micro, June 1983, pp. 40-50.)

For a CRC-16, the lookup table consists of 256 2-byte WORDs (seebelow, or the CRC16.PASunit for the actual table, or the CRCTable programfor computation of the lookup table for the x16 + x15 + x2 + 1generator polynomial):

table: ARRAY[0.255] OF WORD =

Given the above lookup table,the code for computing a CRC-16 is as follows (see initialization/finalizationbelow):

PROCEDURE CalcCRC16 (p: pByte; nbyte: WORD; VAR CRCvalue: WORD);
i: WORD;
q: pByte;
{The following is a little cryptic (but executes very quickly).
The algorithm is as follows:
1. exclusive-or the input byte with the low-order byte of
the CRC register to get an INDEX
2. shift the CRC register eight bits to the right
3. exclusive-or the CRC register with the contents of
4. repeat steps 1 through 3 for all bytes}
q := p;
FOR i := 1 TO nBYTE DO
CRCvalue := Hi(CRCvalue) XOR Table[ q^ XOR Lo(CRCvalue) ];
END {CalcCRC16};

For a CRC-32, the lookup table consists of 256 4-byteDWORDs (also see the CRC32.PAS unit).

// The constants here are for the CRC-32 generator
// polynomial, as defined in the Microsoft
// Systems Journal, March 1995, pp. 107-108

table: ARRAY[0.255] OF DWORD =
($00000000, $77073096, $EE0E612C, $990951BA,
$076DC419, $706AF48F, $E963A535, $9E6495A3,
$0EDB8832, $79DCB8A4, $E0D5E91E, $97D2D988,
$09B64C2B, $7EB17CBD, $E7B82D07, $90BF1D91,
$1DB71064, $6AB020F2, $F3B97148, $84BE41DE,
$1ADAD47D, $6DDDE4EB, $F4D4B551, $83D385C7,
$136C9856, $646BA8C0, $FD62F97A, $8A65C9EC,
$14015C4F, $63066CD9, $FA0F3D63, $8D080DF5,
$3B6E20C8, $4C69105E, $D56041E4, $A2677172,
$3C03E4D1, $4B04D447, $D20D85FD, $A50AB56B,
$35B5A8FA, $42B2986C, $DBBBC9D6, $ACBCF940,
$32D86CE3, $45DF5C75, $DCD60DCF, $ABD13D59,
$26D930AC, $51DE003A, $C8D75180, $BFD06116,
$21B4F4B5, $56B3C423, $CFBA9599, $B8BDA50F,
$2802B89E, $5F058808, $C60CD9B2, $B10BE924,
$2F6F7C87, $58684C11, $C1611DAB, $B6662D3D,

$76DC4190, $01DB7106, $98D220BC, $EFD5102A,
$71B18589, $06B6B51F, $9FBFE4A5, $E8B8D433,
$7807C9A2, $0F00F934, $9609A88E, $E10E9818,
$7F6A0DBB, $086D3D2D, $91646C97, $E6635C01,
$6B6B51F4, $1C6C6162, $856530D8, $F262004E,
$6C0695ED, $1B01A57B, $8208F4C1, $F50FC457,
$65B0D9C6, $12B7E950, $8BBEB8EA, $FCB9887C,
$62DD1DDF, $15DA2D49, $8CD37CF3, $FBD44C65,
$4DB26158, $3AB551CE, $A3BC0074, $D4BB30E2,
$4ADFA541, $3DD895D7, $A4D1C46D, $D3D6F4FB,
$4369E96A, $346ED9FC, $AD678846, $DA60B8D0,
$44042D73, $33031DE5, $AA0A4C5F, $DD0D7CC9,
$5005713C, $270241AA, $BE0B1010, $C90C2086,
$5768B525, $206F85B3, $B966D409, $CE61E49F,
$5EDEF90E, $29D9C998, $B0D09822, $C7D7A8B4,
$59B33D17, $2EB40D81, $B7BD5C3B, $C0BA6CAD,

$EDB88320, $9ABFB3B6, $03B6E20C, $74B1D29A,
$EAD54739, $9DD277AF, $04DB2615, $73DC1683,
$E3630B12, $94643B84, $0D6D6A3E, $7A6A5AA8,
$E40ECF0B, $9309FF9D, $0A00AE27, $7D079EB1,
$F00F9344, $8708A3D2, $1E01F268, $6906C2FE,
$F762575D, $806567CB, $196C3671, $6E6B06E7,
$FED41B76, $89D32BE0, $10DA7A5A, $67DD4ACC,
$F9B9DF6F, $8EBEEFF9, $17B7BE43, $60B08ED5,
$D6D6A3E8, $A1D1937E, $38D8C2C4, $4FDFF252,
$D1BB67F1, $A6BC5767, $3FB506DD, $48B2364B,
$D80D2BDA, $AF0A1B4C, $36034AF6, $41047A60,
$DF60EFC3, $A867DF55, $316E8EEF, $4669BE79,
$CB61B38C, $BC66831A, $256FD2A0, $5268E236,
$CC0C7795, $BB0B4703, $220216B9, $5505262F,
$C5BA3BBE, $B2BD0B28, $2BB45A92, $5CB36A04,
$C2D7FFA7, $B5D0CF31, $2CD99E8B, $5BDEAE1D,

$9B64C2B0, $EC63F226, $756AA39C, $026D930A,
$9C0906A9, $EB0E363F, $72076785, $05005713,
$95BF4A82, $E2B87A14, $7BB12BAE, $0CB61B38,
$92D28E9B, $E5D5BE0D, $7CDCEFB7, $0BDBDF21,
$86D3D2D4, $F1D4E242, $68DDB3F8, $1FDA836E,
$81BE16CD, $F6B9265B, $6FB077E1, $18B74777,
$88085AE6, $FF0F6A70, $66063BCA, $11010B5C,
$8F659EFF, $F862AE69, $616BFFD3, $166CCF45,
$A00AE278, $D70DD2EE, $4E048354, $3903B3C2,
$A7672661, $D06016F7, $4969474D, $3E6E77DB,
$AED16A4A, $D9D65ADC, $40DF0B66, $37D83BF0,
$A9BCAE53, $DEBB9EC5, $47B2CF7F, $30B5FFE9,
$BDBDF21C, $CABAC28A, $53B39330, $24B4A3A6,
$BAD03605, $CDD70693, $54DE5729, $23D967BF,
$B3667A2E, $C4614AB8, $5D681B02, $2A6F2B94,
$B40BBE37, $C30C8EA1, $5A05DF1B, $2D02EF8D);

Given the above lookup table,the code for computing a CRC-32 is as follows (see initialization/finalizationbelow):

// Use CalcCRC32 as a procedure so CRCValue can be passed in but
// also returned. This allows multiple calls to CalcCRC32 for
// the 'same' CRC-32 calculation.
PROCEDURE CalcCRC32 (p: pointer; ByteCount: DWORD; VAR CRCValue: DWORD);
// The following is a little cryptic (but executes very quickly).
// The algorithm is as follows:
// 1. exclusive-or the input byte with the low-order byte of
// the CRC register to get an INDEX
// 2. shift the CRC register eight bits to the right
// 3. exclusive-or the CRC register with the contents of Table[INDEX]
// 4. repeat steps 1 through 3 for all bytes
q: ^BYTE;
q := p;
FOR i := 0 TO ByteCount-1 DO
CRCvalue := (CRCvalue SHR 8) XOR
Table[ q^ XOR (CRCvalue AND $000000FF) ];
END {CalcCRC32};

You can pass nearly any argument to this routine since the first parameteris a pointer. For a string, pass the address of the first character, for example:

CalcCRC32 (Addr(s[1]),LENGTH(s), CRC32);

To avoid an access violation in Delphi 4 (or later) make sure Length(s)> 0. (I'm not sure why Delphi 3 didn't complain.)

This routine can be used to verify the CRC32 table of constantshas not been accidentally modified. The following code in the CRC32 unitinitialization checks the 1024-byte array of DWORDs:

CRC32Table: DWORD;
// Verify the table used to compute the CRCs has not been modified.
// Thanks to Gary Williams for this suggestion, Jan. 2003.
CRC32Table := $FFFFFFFF;
CalcCRC32 (Addr(table[0]), SizeOf(table), CRC32Table);
CRC32Table := NOT CRC32Table;
IF CRC32Table <> $6FCF9E13
THEN ShowMessage('CRC32 Table CRC32 is ' +
IntToHex(Crc32Table, 8) +
', expecting $6FCF9E13');
END {CRC32}.

To compute the same CRC-32 as used in the PKZIP utility, start with a CRCvalueof $FFFFFFFF. After calling CalcCRC32 above (any number of times), thefinalization consists of a 1's complement of the CRCvalue. This can becomputed with the expression NOT CRCvalue in Delphi. Seeadditional details in the next section.

Initialization andFinalization. The initialization and finalization of the CRC computation are arbitrary. Many years ago when I first started computing CRCs, I set the initialvalue to 0 and did no finalization -- this is 'Method 1' describedabove under Expected Values.

CRC16 := 0;
IF LENGTH(s) > 0 // Avoid access violation in D4
THEN CalcCRC16 (Addr(s[1]), LENGTH(s), CRC16);

The 'standard' CRC-32 (the one used by PKZIP) startswith $FFFFFFFF as the initial value and then performs a 1's complement to yield the finalvalue -- this is 'Method 2' described above under ExpectedValues. Here's what is done in the CRC Calculator for CRC-32s:

CRC32 := $FFFFFFFF; // To match PKZIP
IF LENGTH(s) > 0 // Avoid access violation in D4
THEN CalcCRC32 (Addr(s[1]), LENGTH(s), CRC32);
CRC32 := NOT CRC32; // TO match PKZIP

In the CRC16 computation the initial value is $FFFF with Method2.

[Thanks to Rolf Gebhardt and Glen Harman for pointing out an inconsistencyabout how finalization was handled in an earlier version of this article.]

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CRC of a File. All the bytes of a file must bepassed to the CalcCRC routines, i.e., CalcCRC16 and CalcCRC32, to compute theCRC of a file. The older BlockRead I/O primitive is used in theCalcFileCRC16 routine in the CRC16 unit since BlockRead at one point was theonly way to read a binary stream of bytes. CalcFileCRC32 uses the morecontemporary memory stream to read the bytes of a file (when the StreamIOconditional compilation is defined).

// Use MemoryStream to read file in binary mode.
VAR TotalBytes: TInteger8;
VAR error: WORD);
Stream: TMemoryStream;
error := 0;
Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
IF Stream.Size > 0
THEN CalcCRC32 (Stream.Memory, Stream.Size, CRCvalue)
ON E: EReadError DO
error := 1
CRCvalue := NOT CRCvalue;
TotalBytes := Stream.Size
END {CalcFileCRC32};

The above procedure assumes that the file will easily fit intomemory in a TMemoryStream. Unfortunately, this can be a bad assumptionespecially when some files are bigger than physical memory. For example,processing a 1 GB file in a memory stream with only 512 MB of physical memorymight at minimum will tax the virtual memory processing of the operatingsystem. For now, this isn't much of a problem.

See Ted Tøraasen'smodification for CRC-16s for buffers > 64 KB.

FileCheck Program. See the FileCheck Lab Report for informationabout creating CRCs of files, directories, or even whole volumes. ('Meta' CRCs -- that is, CRCs of CRCs of a well-ordered list of files-- used to detect changes in directories or whole disk volumes.)

Command Line Programs. The command line examples, CRC16Dem and CRC32Dem can becompiled from a DOS Window (assuming your path contains the Delphi bin directory)by entering:

DCC32 CRC16Dem.PAS or

Study the CRC16Dem and CRC32Dem command line programsfor a way to calculate CRCs without a Windows interface.

The Delphi installation CD has a file CRC32.C, which shows howto compute CRC-32s, as well as the lookup table, in the directory InfoExtrasZlibSrc.

CRC Links

A Painless Guide to CRC Error Detection Algorithms

Peter Haas' Delphi unit for demonstration calculation of CRC,based on the document: 'A Painless Guide to CRC Error DetectionAlgorithms'

Peter Haas' unit contains functions to calculate a arbitrary CRC(up to 32 bit) by given parameters (Polynom, Init, XorOut, ReflectIn, ReflectOut).A
another part is the generation of a Lookup Table and the calculation with thistable. The unit can also used to find the parameters for a unknown CRCcalculation with trial and error. Last but not least, it contain the unit afunction, that creates Delphi source to calculate a CRC with the givenparameters in a separate application.

Find code for CRC-16 CCITT here:

Cyclic Redundancy Check Computation (Texas InstrumentsApplication Report)
- Coding theory behind CRC
- Algorithms for CRC computation

'For the Love of the Game' by Michael Barr, Embedded SystemsProgramming, Dec. 1999, pp. 47-54.

'Slow and Steady Never Lost the Race' by Michael Barr, EmbeddedSystems Programming, Jan. 2000, pp. 37-46. Shows how to compute CRC lookuptable. www.embedded.com/internet/0001/0001connect.htm

The CRC Pitstop is a repository for information on CRC and otherchecking algorithms

CRC and How to Reverse it
http://pilorama.com.ru/library/pdf/crcrevrs.pdf (in Russian)

CRC - Der Cyclic Redundancy Code (in German)

Understanding Cyclic Redundancy Check

Robert Lee's optimized code for CRC computation:

Checksum-Algorithms: XOR16, XOR32, CRC32

Steve Schafer's UseNet Post showingcalculation of CRC-32 Lookup Table

Björn Kriedemann'sUseNet Post with CRC Unitfrom April 1997 DDJ: CRC16, XYZModemCRC16, CRC32

Lars Truijens's UseNet Post showingDelphi code for XModem CRC-16 (X16 + X12 + X5 + 1) with aLookup Table

CRC-16 (X16+X15+X2+1) without lookuptable, www.ibrtses.com/delphi/dcrc.html.

CRC-16 Calculator in VisualBasic by Stuart Rolfe

A CRC Calculator Unit provides three speed-optimized functions to compute(or continue computation of) a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC). Applicable to XModemprotocol (16-bit CRC), SEA's 'ARC' utility, PKZip (32-bit CRC) and many otherscompatible software, http://delphi.icm.edu.pl/ftp/d10free/crc.zip.

SWAG (Software Archive Group) CRC Snipets: Includes various CRC andChecksum routines
www.gdsoft.com/swag/crc.zip (requires'Reader' program to view)

Algorithm of CRC-32 calculation for file

'Calculating CRC Checksums in C++' by Colin Mahoney inJune 1999 C/C++ Users Journal.


Algorithms Alfresco: Whirlpool (CRC Algorithms), Julian Bucknall unravels CRC, Delphi Magazine,Issue 48, August 1999.

Split and Join (use CRCs to verify copy is correct after a file issplit into separate floppy-size files and later rejoined)

CRC-32 used in PNG graphics file format

The D7 'Companion Tools' (Disk 1) has a directory nag_software_solutionscrc32_librarywith a CRC32.EXE file from NAG SoftwareSolutions.

Implementing CRCCs in Altera Devices

See the CRC32 Library on CD #1 of the Delphi Studio Companion Tools.


Check Digits (credit cards and the 'Modulo 10' check digitalgorithm)

MD5 Homepage(unofficial)

Useful literature:
'Procedure for Computing CRC-32 Values,' Microsoft Systems Journal,March 1995, pp. 107-108.

'Byte-wise CRC Calculations' by Aram Perez in IEEE Micro,June 1983, pp. 40-50. Shows how to create a lookup table which is the best way toimplement in software (versus the shifts that are done when implemented inhardware).

'A Tutorial on CRC Computations' by Tenkasi V. Ramabadran andSunil S. Gaitonde in IEEE Micro, August 1988, pp. 62-75.

'Cyclic Redundancy Checks for Data Integrity or Identity' byWilliam H. Press and Saul A. Teukolsky, Computers in Physics, Jul/Aug 1989, pp.88-91.

Online Crc Calculator 16

Standard NameSDLC (CCITT) (X25)CRC-16 CRC-32 (Ethernet)
Width16 bits16 bits32 bits
Generator Polynomial10001000000100001

x16 + x12 + x5 + 1


x16 + x15 + x2 + 1


x32 + x26 + x23 + x22 + x16 + x12 + x11 +
x10 + x8 + x7 + x5 + x4 + x2 + x1 + 1

Initial remainder0xFFFF0x00000xFFFFFFFF
Final XOR value0x00000x00000xFFFFFFFF

Other standard polynomials:
CRC-16 Reverse: x16 + x14 + x1 + 1
SDLC Reverse: x16 + x11 + x4 + 1
CRC-12: x12 + x11 + x3 + x2 +x1 + 1

CRC values, especially the CRC-32, are an extremely good way to verify theintegrity of a string or even a file.

cyclic redundancy check, CRC-16, CRC-32, APPTYPE CONSOLE, lookup table, XOR, Comp,Int64, IntToHex, Addr, Delphi, Kylix


CLX (Component Library for Cross-Platform --Windows or Linux)

  • Delphi 7 Source and CRCCalculator.EXE: CRCCLX.zip

  • Kylix 3 Source and CrcCalculator executable: CRCCLX.tar.gz
    In Linux to extract files: gunzip < CRCCLX.tar.gz tar xvf -

VCL (Visual Component Library -- Windowsonly)

  • Delphi 2 - 6 Source and EXE (234 KB): CRCDelphi.ZIP (old version)

Borland C++ 5.02 'C' CRC-32 Source and EXE (45 KB): CRCc.ZIP
Use the 'make file' to compile: make -fcrc32.mak
Modify .mak file to point to correct location of wildargs.obj. The .mak file automatically performs a test that the results will match those ofPKZIP.) This command-line utility can be used with wildcards to find the CRC-32 offiles in a directory, for example: crc32 *.*

TuboPascal 5.5 program to compute valuesfor CRC-16 lookup table.

Write a program that calculates the CRC-16 of a given file andappends it to the end of the same file. Your program must also beable to verify the correctness of a given file that already has CRCappended at the end. Use the CRC polynomial x16 +x10 + x8 + x7 + x3 +1.

What to submit:


Submit an archive file (zip or rar) with the nameyourlastname_yourfirstname_crc. Include the following three filesin your archive file:

• An executable of your program

• Source code in one file as a .c

• A read me file so that TAs can execute your program to checkyour results

Input format:

Your program should prompt the user for the following input:

Enter the name of the file you want to check:


1. Calculate CRC

2. Verify CRC

3. Exit

Choose from the above menu:

Hex File Crc 16 Calculation

You must check for input correctness also, by implementing codeto:

• Verify that user has input a valid option in the menu. Ifinvalid, prompt for menu again.

• Verify that the file that the user has entered actuallyexists. If the file does not exist, prompt for file again.

• Verify that each character in the input file is a validhexadecimal character

Output format:

The input file will contain data in hexadecimal character. Printout the hexadecimal file that is read.

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Next, you must convert the hexadecimal file into binary. Recallthat one hex character is four bits. Read the input file and form abinary string. The length of the binary string will be four timesthe length of the input file because each hexadecimal characterwill be replaced by 4 binary bits. You will have to define aseparate function to get the binary equivalent of a hexadecimalcharacter.

You must print the binary version of the input file 32 binarybits per line. You must also insert a space after every four binarybits that you print.

Next, you will show the step-by-step of the CRC calculation orverification.

In the end, when calculating CRC, you must show the CRC answer,then convert it to hexadecimal and append it to the end of the fileand close the file.

On the other hand, if verifying CRC, you must print a messagewhether the CRC check passed or failed.

Specific Functions inside code:

You must implement the following functions:


• A function for converting hexadecimal string into binarystring

File Crc Calculator

• A function for converting binary to hexadecimal

• A function to validate the input

• An XOR function that takes as input two binary strings andreturns the XOR result.

• A function for CRC calculation

• A function for CRC verification

Sample Output from Menu Choice 1: CalculateCRC

As an example, consider that you have to calculate CRC-8 for aninput file using the polynomialx8+x7+x6+x5+x4+x3+x+1

And assume the input file has the following contents: AB1245

Then, the CRC calculation output would be:

The input file (hex): AB1245
The input file (bin):

1010 1011 0001 0010 0100 0101

The polynomial that was used (binary bit string): 1 11111011
We will append eight zeros at the end of the binaryinput.

The binary string answer at each XOR step of CRCcalculation:

1010 1011 0001 0010 0100 0101 0000 0000

0101 0110 1001 0010 0100 0101 0000 0000

0010 1000 0101 0010 0100 0101 0000 0000

0001 0111 0011 0010 0100 0101 0000 0000

0000 1000 1000 0010 0100 0101 0000 0000

0000 0111 0101 1010 0100 0101 0000 0000

0000 0000 1011 0110 0100 0101 0000 0000

0000 0000 0100 1011 1100 0101 0000 0000

0000 0000 0011 0101 0000 0101 0000 0000

0000 0000 0000 1010 0110 0101 0000 0000

0000 0000 0000 0101 1011 1101 0000 0000

0000 0000 0000 0010 0101 0001 0000 0000

0000 0000 0000 0001 1010 0111 0000 0000

0000 0000 0000 0000 0101 1100 0000 0000

0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 0010 1100 0000

0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 1101 1010 0000

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 0001 0000

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 1110 0110

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 1101

Thus, the CRC is 0001 1101 (bin) = 1D (hex)

CRC has been appended to the end of the input file.

Reading input file again: AB12451D

Closing input file.

Remember that this is just an example. In the programmingassignment you have to solve using a different polynomial.

Sample Output from Menu Choice 2: VerifyCRC

As an example, consider that you have to verify the CRC-8 of aninput file using the polynomialx8+x7+x6+x5+x4+x3+x+1

And assume the input file has the following contents:AB12451D

Then, the CRC verification output would be:

The input file (hex): AB12451D
The input file (bin):

1010 1011 0001 0010 0100 0101 0001 1101

The polynomial that was used (bin): 1 11111011
The 8-bit CRC at the end of the file: 1D (hex) = 0001 1101(bin)

The binary string answer at each XOR step of CRCverification:

1010 1011 0001 0010 0100 0101 0001 1101

0101 0110 1001 0010 0100 0101 0001 1101

0010 1000 0101 0010 0100 0101 0001 1101

0001 0111 0011 0010 0100 0101 0001 1101

0000 1000 1000 0010 0100 0101 0001 1101

0000 0111 0101 1010 0100 0101 0001 1101

0000 0000 1011 0110 0100 0101 0001 1101

0000 0000 0100 1011 1100 0101 0001 1101

0000 0000 0011 0101 0000 0101 0001 1101

0000 0000 0000 1010 0110 0101 0001 1101

0000 0000 0000 0101 1011 1101 0001 1101

0000 0000 0000 0010 0101 0001 0001 1101

0000 0000 0000 0001 1010 0111 0001 1101

0000 0000 0000 0000 0101 1100 0001 1101

0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 0010 1101 1101

0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 1101 1011 1101

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 1101

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 1111 1011

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

Did the CRC check pass? (Yes or No): Yes

Remember that this is just an example. In the programmingassignment you have to solve using a different polynomial.