Crave Sarah Kane Script Pdf
View Sarah-Kane-Crave.pdf from THTR 105 at College of Southern Nevada. Crave My thanks to Vicky Feartherstone. The Seagull SCRIPT.pdf.
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Written by | Sarah Kane |
Characters | C, M, B and A |
Date premiered | 13 August 1998 |
Place premiered | Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh |
Original language | English |
Setting | Neutral |
Crave is a one-act play by British playwright Sarah Kane. It was first performed in 1998 by the theatre company Paines Plough, with which Kane was writer-in-residence for the year, at the Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh. The play was initially presented under the pseudonym Marie Kelvedon; Kane used a pseudonym to avoid the distraction of her reputation for graphic staged violence from her previous works. Crave was Kane's fourth play. It is dedicated by the author to Mark Ravenhill.[1]

The play reflects a stylistic departure from Kane's previous works, using a non-linear, poetic style, and is notable for its lack of staged violence that had been a hallmark of the author's previous work; this style is continued in her next and final work, 4.48 Psychosis. The dialogue is intertextual, and often it is unclear whom each line is addressed to. Download game perang ukuran kecil windows 7. Much of the delivery of the text is left up to directorial interpretation. The author does not provide context, stage directions or descriptions of characters. The sex and gender of the four characters (A, B, C, and M) is only identifiable from context within the play.
Themes and allusions[edit]
Crave continues the theme of pain in love that Kane had explored with previous plays, but is stylistically a departure. The play contains several dark themes, presented as issues haunting the four characters. These themes include rape, incest, pedophilia, anorexia, drug addiction, mental instability, murder, and suicide.
Kane incorporates numerous literary allusions in the text of the play, especially to The Waste Land Jump superstars rom english patch. by T.S. Eliot. She also makes several references to biblical scripture, especially through the character of 'A'.
'Marie Kelvedon'[edit]
The pseudonym 'Marie Kelvedon' was based on the village of Kelvedon Hatch, where Kane grew up. Kane included the following fictitious biography in the programme notes:
Marie Kelvedon is twenty-five. She grew up in Germany in British Forces accommodation and returned to Britain at sixteen to complete her schooling. She was sent down from St Hilda's College, Oxford, after her first term, for an act of unspeakable Dadaism in the college dining hall. She has had her short stories published in various European literary magazines and has a volume of poems Onzuiver ('Impure')[2] published in Belgium and Holland. Her Edinburgh Fringe Festival debut was in 1996, a spontaneous happening through a serving hatch to an audience of one. Since leaving Holloway she has worked as a mini-cab driver, a roadie with the Manic Street Preachers and as a continuity announcer for BBC Radio World Service. She now lives in Cambridgeshire with her cat, Grotowski.[3]
Popular culture[edit]

The lyrics to Icelandic singer Björk's song 'An Echo, A Stain', released on the album Vespertine in 2001, are based on this play.
Crave Sarah Kane Pdf
- ^ Review of Crave by Les Gutman at CurtainUp
- ^onzuiver is Dutch for 'Impure'
- ^A reference to the Polish experimental theatre director Jerzy Grotowski.
- Sarah Kane: Complete Plays. London 2001 ISBN0-413-74260-1
Crave Sarah Kane Quotes
Crave Sarah Kane Script
For Vincent O’Connell, with thanks.
Author's note
Punctuation is used to indicate delivery, not to conform to the rules of grammar.
A stroke (/) marks the point of interruption in overlapping dialogue.
Words in square brackets [ ] are not spoken, but have been included in the text to clarify meaning.
Stage directions in brackets ( ) function as lines.
Editor's note
This edition of Blasted, first reprinted in 2000, incorporates minor revisions made to the original text by Sarah Kane shortly before her death. It should therefore be regarded as the definitive version in all respects.
Scene One
A very expensive hotel room in Leeds - the kind that is so expensive it could be anywhere in the world.
There is a large double bed.
A mini-bar and champagne on ice.
A telephone.
A large bouquet of flowers.
Two doors - one is the entrance from the corridor, the other leads off to the bathroom.
Two people enter - IanandCate
Ianis 45, Welsh born but lived in Leeds much of his life and picked up the accent.
Cateis 21, a lower-middle-class Southerner with a south London accent and a stutter when under stress.
They enter.
Catestops at the door, amazed at the classiness of the room.
Iancomes in, throws a small pile of newspapers on the bed, goes straight to the mini-bar and pours himself a large gin.
He looks briefly out of the window at the street, then turns back to the room.
IanI've shat in better places than this.
(He gulps down the gin.)
I stink.
You want a bath?
Cate(Shakes her head.)
Iangoes into the bathroom and we hear him run the water. He comes back in with only a towel around his waist and a revolver in his hand. He checks it is loaded and puts it under his pillow.
IanTip that wog when he brings up the sandwiches.
He leaves fifty pence and goes into the bathroom.
Catecomes further into the room.
She puts her bag down and bounces on the bed.
She goes around the room, looking in every drawer, touching everything.
She smells the flowers and smiles.
Iancomes back in, hair wet, towel around his waist, drying himself
He stops and looks atCatewho is sucking her thumb.
He goes back in the bathroom where he dresses.
We hear him coughing terribly in the bathroom.
He spits in the sink and re-enters.
Cate You all right?
IanIt's nothing.
He pours himself another gin, this time with ice and tonic, and sips it at a more normal pace.
He collects his gun and puts it in his under-arm holster.
He smiles atCate.
Ian I'm glad you've come. Didn't think you would.
(He offers her champagne.)
Cate(Shakes her head.)
I was worried.
Ian This? (He indicates his chest.) Don't matter.
Cate I didn't mean that. You sounded unhappy.
Ian(Pops the champagne. He pours them both a glass.)
Cate What we celebrating?
Ian(Doesn't answer. He goes to the window and looks out.)
Hate this city. Stinks. Wogs and Pakis taking over.
Cate You shouldn't call them that.
Ian Why not?
Cate It's not very nice.
Ian You a nigger-lover?
Cate Ian, don't.
Ian You like our coloured brethren?
Cate Don't mind them.
Ian Grow up.
Cate There's Indians at the day centre where my brother goes. They're really polite.
Ian So they should be.
Cate He's friends with some of them.
IanRetard, isn't he?
Cate No, he's got learning difficulties.
Ian Aye. Spaz.
Cate No he's not.
Ian Glad my son's not a Joey.
Cate Don't c- call him that.
Ian Your mother I feel sorry for. Two of you like it.
Cate Like wh- what?
Ian(Looks at her, deciding whether or not to continue. He decides against it.)
You know I love you.
Cate(Smiles a big smile, friendly and non-sexual.)
Ian Don't want you ever to leave.
CateI'm here for the night.
Sweating again. Stink. You ever thought of getting married?
Cate Who'd marry me?
Ian I would.
Cate I couldn't.
IanYou don't love me. I don't blame you, I wouldn't.
Cate I couldn't leave Mum.
Ian Have to one day.
Cate Why?
Ian(Opens his mouth to answer but can't think of one.)
There is a knock at the door.
Ianstarts, andCategoes to answer it.
Ian Don't.
Cate Why not?
Ian I said.
He takes his gun from the holster and goes to the door.
He listens.
Ian Shh.
He listens.
Still nothing.
Ian Probably the wog with the sarnies. Open it.
Cateopens the door.
There's no one there, just a tray of sandwiches on the floor.
She brings them in and examines them.
Cate Ham. Don't believe it.
Ian(Takes a sandwich and eats it)
Cate(Shakes her head.)
Ian Got something against ham?
CateDead meat. Blood. Can't eat an animal.
Ian No one would know.
Cate No, I can't, I actually can't, I'd puke all over the place.
Ian It's only a pig.
Cate I'm hungry.
Ian Have one of these.
Cate I CAN'T.
Ian I'll take you out for an Indian.
Jesus, what's this? Cheese.
She separates the cheese sandwiches from the ham ones, and eats.
Ianwatches her.
Ian Don't like your clothes.
Cate(Looks down at her clothes)
Ian You look like a lesbos.
Cate What's that?
Ian Don't look very sexy, that's all.
Cate Oh.
(She continues to eat)
Don't like your clothes either.
Ian(Looks down at his clothes.
Then gets up, takes them all off and stands in front of her, naked.)
Put your mouth on me.
Cate(Stares. Then bursts out laughing.)
Ian No?
Because I stink?
Cate(Laughs even more.)
Ianattempts to dress, but fumbles with embarrassment.
He gathers his clothes and goes into the bathroom where he dresses.
Cateeats, and giggles over the sandwiches.
Ianreturns, fully dressed.
He picks up his gun, unloads and reloads it.
Ian You got a job yet?
Cate No.
Ian Still screwing the taxpayer.
Cate Mum gives me money.
Ian When are you going to stand on your own feet?
Cate I've applied for a job at an advertising agency.
Ian(Laughs genuinely)
No chance.
Cate Why not?
Ian(Stops laughing and looks at her.)
Cate. You're stupid. You're never going to get a job.
Cate I am. I am not.
Ian See.
CateSt- Stop it. You're doing it deliberately.
Ian Doing what?
Cate C- Confusing me.
Ian No, I'm talking, you're just too thick to understand.
Cate I am not, I am not.
Catebegins to tremble.Ianis laughing.
Ianstops laughing and stares at her motionless body.
Ian Cate?
(He turns her over and lifts up her eyelids.
He doesn't know what to do.
He gets a glass of gin and dabs some on her face)
Cate(Sits bolt upright, eyes open but still unconscious.)
Ian Fucking Jesus.
Cate(Bursts out laughing, unnaturally, hysterically, uncontrollably)
Ian Stop fucking about.
Cate(Collapses again and lies still)
Ianstands by helplessly.
After a few moments,Catecomes round as if waking up in the morning.
Ian What the Christ was that?
Cate Have to tell her.
Ian Cate?
Cate She's in danger.
(She closes her eyes and slowly comes back to normal.
She looks atIanand smiles)