Shareit Download For Windows

Shareit Pc Download Windows 10
SHAREit for Windows is a free application that lets you send your content at lightning speed between devices including: photos, videos, music, documents, and folders. Transfer gigabytes of files from PC to PC in minutes, without cables, USB drives or network c.
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Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
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SHAREit Team / SHAREit for PC
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SHAREit for PC 2019 full offline installer setup for PC 32bit/64bit

Wireless devices with SHAREit can automatically find each other when in range. Transfer HUGE files and videos in seconds, up to 200 x faster than Bluetooth. SHAREit for PC allows file sharing with added security and privacy, files are saved directly on your devices, not in the cloud. Transfer your files between all Windows, Mac, Android, iphone & iPad devices.
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SHAREit Features:
Back Up Photos From Phone To PC
To save the storage on your mobile phone, back up your photos to your PC using SHAREit with just one tap. You`ll never have to worry about deleting items to add storage on your phone. By backing up photos from your phone to PC, give you more space on your phone to add more pictures
Remote View
Remote View is a quick and easy tool to search PC files and folders from your phone. Find the document on your phone, display it, play it or SHAREit 2019 version directly from your phone.
Powerpoint Control
No need to use a mouse or a separate clicker when presenting a PowerPoint. With SHAREit on your mobile phone, you can control your PowerPoint slides on a PC or projector. Feel free to walk around the conference room or classroom to interact with your audience when presenting.
Play To
Showcase content from your phone to your PC. Great for friends, gatherings, family reunions or your business environment.
Phone To Phone
Push the send button, pick the content you want to send, choose the receiver and hit send! You will be connected to send files back and forth.
SHAREit is great for PC to PC transfers too! Simply choose your friend or colleague and begin transferring content back and forth between devices.
Also Available: Download SHAREit for Mac

SHAREit, A fantastic application that can complete transferring files between devices in seconds! Cellular data free! Genuine multi-platform! PS:When transmission via Wi-Fi, transmission speed will be affected by the equipment and the surrounding. -Fantastic · Photos, music and video are easy to share with anyone at any time, brings people together. · Transfer files between phone and computer at any time, transferring is no longer limited. -Cellular data free · Devices could transfer files anytime as long as they are on the same LAN. · Without LAN? Devices could connect to hotspot that are created by one of them, always could transfer files at any time. * Transfer files over hotspots if not using cellular data. * Doesn’t support transfer files over hotspots that are created by Windows Phone. -Multi-platform · SHAREit is compatible with Android, iOS, Mac, Windows and Windows Phone. Share the happiness to the people who are around you at any time. Official Website: