Panduan Sholat Dhuha Pdf
Doa Sholat Dhuha Pdf APK's Permissiom From Google Play:
Doa Sholat Dhuha Pdf APK Identity: find accounts on the device
Doa Sholat Dhuha Pdf APK Contacts: find accounts on the device
“Ya Allah, sesungguhnya waktu dhuha itu waktu dhuhaMu, kemegahan (keagungan) itu ialah kemegahanMu, keindahan itu adalah keindahanMu. Kekuatan itu kekuatanMu, kekuasaan itu kekuasaanMu, dan perlindungan itu perlindunganMu.
Doa Sholat Dhuha Pdf APK Location: approximate location (network-based),precise location (GPS and network-based)
Doa Sholat Dhuha Pdf APK Phone: read phone status and identity
Doa Sholat Dhuha Pdf APK Photos/Media/Files: modify or delete the contents of your USB storage,read the contents of your USB storage
Doa Sholat Dhuha Pdf APK Storage: modify or delete the contents of your USB storage,read the contents of your USB storage
Doa Sholat Dhuha Pdf APK Camera: take pictures and videos
Doa Sholat Dhuha Pdf APK Microphone: record audio
Doa Sholat Dhuha Pdf APK Device ID & call information: read phone status and identity
Doa Sholat Dhuha Pdf APK other: full network access,view network connections,prevent device from sleeping,receive data from Internet

Approximate location (network-based):
Allows the app to get your approximate location. This location is derived by location services using network location sources such as cell towers and Wi-Fi. These location services must be turned on and available to your device for the app to use them. Apps may use this to determine approximately where you are.
Find accounts on the device:
Allows the app to get the list of accounts known by the device. This may include any accounts created by applications you have installed.
Full network access:
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Modify or delete the contents of your USB storage:
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Precise location (GPS and network-based):
Allows the app to get your precise location using the Global Positioning System (GPS) or network location sources such as cell towers and Wi-Fi. These location services must be turned on and available to your device for the app to use them. Apps may use this to determine where you are, and may consume additional battery power.
Prevent device from sleeping:
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Read phone status and identity:
Allows the app to access the phone features of the device. This permission allows the app to determine the phone number and device IDs, whether a call is active, and the remote number connected by a call.
Read the contents of your USB storage:
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Receive data from Internet:
Allows apps to accept cloud to device messages sent by the app's service. Using this service will incur data usage. Malicious apps could cause excess data usage.

Record audio:
Allows the app to record audio with the microphone. This permission allows the app to record audio at any time without your confirmation.
Take pictures and videos:
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
View network connections:
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
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Doa Sholat Dhuha Pdf APK's Permissiom From APK File:
Bacaan Dan Doa Sholat Dhuha Latin
Doa Sholat Dhuha Pdf APK Can access your contacts
Doa Sholat Dhuha Pdf APK Can access your accounts
Doa Sholat Dhuha Pdf APK Can access your Multimedia
Doa Sholat Dhuha Pdf APK Can access your USB storage
Doa Sholat Dhuha Pdf APK May share your location