Csr Bluesuite
Aug 6, 2015 - For CSR's BlueSuite (PSTool and BlueTest3), if the LPT-to-SPI driver was correctly installed, you should see. This driver is tested with CSR BlueSuite 2.1. Prebuilt drivers for Linux and Windows can be downloaded from https://github.com/lorf/csr-spi-ftdi/releases. CSR BlueSuite What is CSR BlueSuite? Every day, users submit information to File.org about which programs they use to open specific types of files.
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This collection of applications is designed to provide a full range of tools to help you learn, instruct, and collaborate with students, faculty, and staff members. Whether accessing a course on BlueLine, launching a survey through BlueQ, or recording a video with BlueCast, the BlueSuite is a one stop center for the Creighton community. Just think BLUE when exploring ways to engage and collaborate in the digital age.
As a learning management system and a collaborative space, BlueLine is for all university constituents with a NetID. Faculty can create and share course content, grade assignments, and communicate with students via several venues. Students can engage in discussions, upload course assignments, and take online exams. Departments, staff members, and campus groups can use BlueLine to share documents, collaborate on projects and even hold meetings without ever leaving the office/room.
- BlueLine powered by Instructure Canvas https://blueline.instructure.com

BlueCast is a lecture capture system that has taken root in campus classrooms since the fall 2010 semester. BlueCast offers faculty the option to record their classroom lectures for students to study and review. The BlueCast lecture capture system includes the option to record video and audio in the classroom or in the convenience of an office, with the added benefit of including the computer desktop and any lecture presentation.
- BlueCast powered by Panopto http://bluecast.creighton.edu
Creating surveys and analyzing results can be done with ease in this completely web-based application. BlueQ can also be used as a teaching tool for students learning survey methodology. Ease of use, flexibility, and full featured, BlueQ is the answer to an exhaustive quest for survey tools which fits the university’s academic, research and business needs. Starting in June 2015, all faculty, staff and students with a netID will have individual access to BlueQ, powered by Qualtrics.
- BlueQ powered by Qualtrics - http://blueq.qualtrics.com
Csr Bluesuite Download
BlueEvals is an online evaluation platform designed to facilitate course evaluation data collection and provide better information by which faculty and administrators can make data-driven decisions. It offers flexibility and customization for different divisions and course types, and integrates with Banner to generate email invitations and reminders to students currently enrolled in courses being evaluated. BlueEvals is usually implemented within the dean's office for each college or school that utilizes it.